Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving "The Nisbet Family United"

Ohh WOW, A countdown has begun for the most recent excitment in the Nisbet household. Both my sisters will be home in the next 24 hours.... Let the chaos begin. So over the past couple years.. Actually like my whole life, Ive noticed that when my sisters are both home that it is just not peaceful. You either have my mother chasing Jackie around the house in a huge circle until one of them runs out of breath. Or you have Jamie huddling in the corner crying "Bobby, Bobby keep the piece of juicy cow beef away from my head." Who ever is taking notes that is how you piss off a vegetarian. Haha. Its especially chaotic at holidays because of the stress of having to spend every waking second with my sisters, because if I dare not to I am the worst brother in the whole entire world. And we can not have that can we. (Ohh wait when my sisters are home I try to make plans so I dont have to be there for the stupid fights that I dont feel like listening to.) Anyway enough of that, the best time for me is when everyone is eating thanksgiving dinner. The reason for this is because no one is talking the food is the cause of the silence. Haha More to come.......

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Why so serious???

So I decided that my existence is mainly due to the fact that I can make people laugh. I am known as "Bobby Nisbet aka THE NIZ, he is so funny" That's the reaction I have been getting the past 4-5 years. Some people don't know this but I have gotten a lot of heat for that. I tell jokes sometimes at the expense of others(No sleeping in church, Linda Brown) I just hope the people understand its all out of love. So your probably wondering where I am taking this. Well over the past few weeks I have been thinking back on this and have realized people don't know when to take me seriously. That's not fair to people or myself. I always get the question "are you being serious???". So after realizing this I am going to make my best effort to be a little more serious. I just don't know how to go about it. I enjoy making people laugh and being that guy. So what does a person do?? Do I give up what I am really good at and be serious or do I embrace who i am and try to be serious at the right times?? I have no idea... and no this isn't a rhetorical question. So help a brother out and let me know what you think...more to come

Monday, November 10, 2008

The World We Live In!

As I was going through my normal Monday schedule I decided that I am sick of all the crap...
What crap you’re wondering? The crap that spews out of the Medias mouth all over the television stations and radio airways. It’s actually pretty disheartening. Everyone blames Bush for this country failing and for the direction it’s headed in. People don’t understand that when two planes hit the world trade center it turned America in that direction. Even though there were poor choices made by the leadership of our country. The only bad decision was which direction to travel in the Middle East. Do people really think Bush decided this on his own?? It was a group effort I promise you. Also I feel as the media has been a bigger part of this than anyone really realizes. They spread fear throughout our country and always focus on the negative. I guess bad news sells better than good news. The past couple months all we ever hear about is the housing bubble bursting and the Dow crashing. Trust me I am not saying this isn’t a serious issue because it is. But what the media is doing is outrageous and reporting on fear is making it worse. Saying this is the worst recession we have ever been in not including the great depression is an atrocity. History buffs C’mon????? 1970 was worse for those who know their history. So what is the real problem??? I think the real problem is that our country lost its way. It needs to look back and find to the foundation it was built on. "In God We Trust" is what’s printed on every monetary bill but few still recognize it. The founding fathers of our country were not idiots they knew that in order for a country to be prosperous that it needs a strong foundation. God was a prevalent part of the constitution and what is right. That’s how they founded this great country the United States of America. What we need to do is remember what we were built on and go back to that......

Friday, November 7, 2008

Daily Routine(boring i tell you, boring)

Where to start........ Living my life is not the easiest thing i have ever had to do but its definitely not the hardest. My daily routine changes from day to day there is only a couple steady things in my life which is eat, sleep, and occasionally shower.(in case you were wondering that was a joke. I do shower daily and maybe even twice a day.) Anyways the rest of my life is pretty sporadic. This happens to be mainly my fault because I cant say no. If someone asks me for help with something (Mike D. does this all the time.) it is impossible for me to say no. This also includes hanging out with people. The only people I am able to say no to are the ones that irritate me(mostly family) and Joe Nester(he talks to much). So pretty much what I'm saying is if you ever move please don't ask me because I will most likely say yes. Your probably all wondering "why am I talking about this?" Well to be quite frank the one thing I cant stand is getting volunteered for something, especially something I didn't sign up for. The question is what did I get signed up for????????

I have to participate in my sisters wedding!!! I didn't ask for it. I'm being forced.... The wedding planning stuff, I rather go jump of a cliff then participate in that. All wedding planning really does is focus on everything but the bride and groom. If I were Jackie I would just fly to India and never come back. I guess in the end you get a nice event and it turns out to be a good time. The real question you have to ask yourself "is the juice worth the squeeze" and right now for me its not. But then again is it my juice to squeeze? I would have to say no. So I guess Ill do just exactly what I did for the pre and post election which would be hide away in my room. The only question I have goes out to Nithin "where do I get my tux?"...... and what time should I be at the church? That's it, nothing else...thank you very much. More to come......

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What to say???

Well I never really blogged before It seems like a pretty interesting thing unless you live a boring life. Im pretty sure my life isnt boring. And I owe that to the family I grew up in:
Jamie: Went to marrywood and became a liberal hippie that became vegan and now she eats chicken.(Confusing I know)
Jackie: Is the more down to earth sister who went to boston and fell in love with curry and the people that eat it. My question is what is in the curry in boston??
Vickie(My Mom): I wouldnt want to offend her so pretty much she is a little loopy and getting more crazy as she grows older. Sometimes I feel like im in the movie jurassic park and shes the T REX.
Bob(My Dad): My dad is probably the most normal person in my house. He plays a 2 person game by himself in hopes that when Jamie comes home he will be able to conquer her. Every time is a big disappointment because she still always wins. But in the end my dad feels like a winner, he says " that four year degree is paying off"
By saying these things about my family it helps describe the pain I go through every day I live on this lovely earth.(that was me joking: I love my family)
These are just a couple reasons why my life isn't boring. The past couple days it has been the worst I have ever seen in my family. It all comes down to Politics, there has been great division in this election and it really has shown its ugly face in my household. I was hiding away in my room the past two weeks so I didn't have to answer the age old question of "who are you voting for??" My sisters were brave enough to answer that question but I guess you don't really call it bravery when they are over 250 miles away from my mother. So in the end my mom ended up being upset at the world. But as far as I know the world will not end!! More to come.......