Monday, November 10, 2008

The World We Live In!

As I was going through my normal Monday schedule I decided that I am sick of all the crap...
What crap you’re wondering? The crap that spews out of the Medias mouth all over the television stations and radio airways. It’s actually pretty disheartening. Everyone blames Bush for this country failing and for the direction it’s headed in. People don’t understand that when two planes hit the world trade center it turned America in that direction. Even though there were poor choices made by the leadership of our country. The only bad decision was which direction to travel in the Middle East. Do people really think Bush decided this on his own?? It was a group effort I promise you. Also I feel as the media has been a bigger part of this than anyone really realizes. They spread fear throughout our country and always focus on the negative. I guess bad news sells better than good news. The past couple months all we ever hear about is the housing bubble bursting and the Dow crashing. Trust me I am not saying this isn’t a serious issue because it is. But what the media is doing is outrageous and reporting on fear is making it worse. Saying this is the worst recession we have ever been in not including the great depression is an atrocity. History buffs C’mon????? 1970 was worse for those who know their history. So what is the real problem??? I think the real problem is that our country lost its way. It needs to look back and find to the foundation it was built on. "In God We Trust" is what’s printed on every monetary bill but few still recognize it. The founding fathers of our country were not idiots they knew that in order for a country to be prosperous that it needs a strong foundation. God was a prevalent part of the constitution and what is right. That’s how they founded this great country the United States of America. What we need to do is remember what we were built on and go back to that......